Workforce Pipeline
Today’s jobs and jobs of the future will require more specialized skills than ever before. Okmulgee is preparing a workforce that is able to meet and take on the challenges of tomorrow; our educational institutions collaborate with each other as well with local and state workforce organizations to create relevant career pathways in industry for students and adults. This will help ensure that your business will have access to a pipeline of talent to get you started and keep you going.
Okmulgee’s geographical placement in the state is an easy commute from not only the Tulsa Metro with a population of 700,000, but our employers also attract skilled workers from 21 other counties(from 50-180 miles away) in the state. Our 2019 Okmulgee County Labor Attraction Study proves our ability to attract and retain skilled and professional workers for our manufacturing and high-tech industries demonstrating that quality employers will attract quality employees.

Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology (OSUIT)is an accredited institution of higher education with 36 technical degree programs of study that lead the student to Associate in Applied Science degrees, Associate in Science degrees, and Bachelor of Technology degrees. With a 94% placement rate! Year after year, OSUIT has ranked in the top 30 Regional Colleges West region for the U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges Rankings. OSUIT was ranked in three categories in the recently released 2020 rankings (Sept. 9). Their Cyber Security program was ranked best in state, as well as No. 3 on’s 2021 list of Best Bachelor Degrees in Cyber Security (the only Oklahoma institution in the ranking). The OSUIT Workforce and Economic Development (WFED) department’s role is to foster workforce development in the areas of customized training, technology deployment, applied research, strategic planning, best practices and coordination. WFED assists with needs assessment, technical assistance and other support services that allow employers to increase their productivity in today’s global economy. Nearly all activities are performed in a just-in-time fashion. Customized learning activities may be conducted on campus, off campus or on location. OSUIT partners with global corporations to develop academic coursework and practical training environments using industry-caliber equipment to create a seamless classroom to career transition.
ABET Accreditation
OSUIT has two programs that are ABET-accredited
Bachelor of Technology in Information Technologies
Bachelor of Technology in Instrumentation Engineering Technology
ABET is a nonprofit, ISO 9001 certified organization that accredits college and university programs in applied and natural science, computing, engineering and engineering technology. ABET accreditation assures confidence that a collegiate program has met standards essential to prepare graduates to enter critical STEM fields in the global workforce. Graduates from an ABET-accredited program have a solid educational foundation and are capable of leading the way in innovation, emerging technologies, and in anticipating the welfare and safety needs of the public.
GCTC in Okmulgee serves the vocational training needs within our community and in conjunction with our manufacturing and employment base. They have been serving high school and adult students from Okmulgee County for over 30 years and won the 2019 “Best in the World” Contest for Best Vocational School in 2019.
Green Country Technology Center is one of 29 technology center districts in Oklahoma which are accredited by the Department of Career and Technology Education. Full-time educational programs include Licensed Practical Nursing, Health Careers Certification, Medical Assisting, Construction Trades, CNC Manufacturing, Welding, Programming and Video Game Development, Cosmetology and HVAC.
GCTC offers a 28-day Commercial Driver's License course and is a DPS Driver License Exam site (both written and drive test).
GCTC also offers adult education training in short-term classes offered day and night as well as in our FLEX lab. Customized industry training is available onsite or on our campus. A variety of safety, computer and health classes can be customized for the needs of all businesses and industry clients.
Green Country Technology Center's Business and Industry Services (BIS) Department provides customized safety and industrial training designed to meet specific workforce needs. The Training for Industry Program (TIP) provides grant funding for high quality training for approved companies in our district. These companies must be new companies considering coming to Oklahoma or existing Oklahoma companies that have plans to expand their workforce, resulting in net-new jobs in Oklahoma.
The Training for Industry Growth Program (TIG) is funding provided to qualifying companies in our district for training to accommodate industry identified skilled workforce shortages within an occupational area. This grant provides customized training for needs of particular industries within a defined geographic region of the state. They are an “Weld Testing Facility” for the Oklahoma State Department of Labor.
Okmulgee Public Schools leads the state in Aviation curriculum and incorporates STEM training in all levels of education as well as their ACE High School program. In 2020, the CP Kelco STEM Lab was designed and installed by Creative Learning Systems at the Dunbar Campus (grades 5 - 8). STEM labs will be in all of Okmulgee Public School campuses - with the next one planned for installment at the Okmulgee Primary School, pending funding availability. Okmulgee High School has a STEM engineering lab. Other Okmulgee County school districts utilize the Okmulgee Public Schools STEM Labs as availability allows. The Okmulgee High School ACE program is an exciting and innovative contemporary learning environment and is one of the first personalized learning programs in Oklahoma. A personalized learning program allows students to acquire the learning and skills that are needed in today’s rapidly changing world and help students find solutions to problems independently.

Aviation and Aerospace
Okmulgee County’s educational partners are making great strides in the education component of aerospace related workforce development thanks to leadership and collaboration between Okmulgee Public Schools, College of Muscogee Nation, GCTC and OSUIT. This is important as this is Oklahoma’s 2nd leading industry and growing. Okmulgee County has a great capacity for attracting companies in this industry. With over 150 acres available now (released by the FAA), plus over 300 additional acres for future development to be released by the FAA. The Okmulgee Regional Airport Industrial Park is ready for new and expanding aviation companies to land here (pun intended!) and make Okmulgee their home.
Center for Aerospace and Advanced Technologies:
The Center for Aerospace and Advanced Technology campus is a collaboration between Green Country Tech Center, College of Muscogee Nation, OSUIT, Okmulgee Public Schools along with Tulsa Community College and Wichita (KS) State University. Located in the former Eastside Elementary School (Okmulgee Public Schools), this hub will be the central training site for high school students and adults, creating a pipeline of workforce development that will meet the needs for the manufacturing and aerospace industries.
OKMULGEE PUBLIC SCHOOLS: The Okmulgee High School Aviation Academy for Excellence incorporates standardized curriculum from AOPA. High school students will have the opportunity to be under the same roof as college students earning their Associates degree along with their high school diploma. Also offered are adult education classes in drone operation, CAD, and Industrial Manufacturing.
AOPA stands for Aircraft Owners Pilot Association; their “You Can Fly” High School Aviation Curriculum offers two pathways of learning – The Pilot Pathway and the UAS (Drone) Pathway. They began field testing the aviation STEM curriculum in 2017 and schools across the nation are finding that the program helps students acquire the skill necessary to enter the growing aviation industry. It is free to schools with the only requirement that teachers receive the professional development needed to teach the curriculum. The OAC has been working to increase the number of Oklahoma high schools choosing to implement this curriculum.
Okmulgee High School is one of only sixteen (16) schools out of the 537 schools in the state that are currently implementing the AOPA “You Can Fly” program as of 2021. Okmulgee High School is the ONLY school in the state that offers the UAS (Drone) pathway as of 2021. This shows some incredible vision and leadership at Okmulgee Public Schools to be at the forefront of this education path.
GCTC: Green Country Technology Center is developing a technical program to address aviation workforce needs in Okmulgee County. The proposed program would consist of Orientation and Overview of Aircraft, Aircraft Familiarization, Aircraft Powerplant, and Aircraft Electrical Systems. GCTC is currently in the curriculum development and exploration stage of this program; they are reaching out to local aviation industry partners asking for their input in building the curriculum.
OSUIT: The Workforce and Economic Development Department (WFED) at Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology (OSUIT) takes great pride in educating future and incumbent workers in the aviation and manufacturing industries. The WFED was awarded a Department of Defense (DoD), Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA) Grant to facilitate growth in the manufacturing and aviation sectors for DoD Contractors. Upon receiving the grant, the WFED staff formed the Industrial and Aviation Technology Training Center (IATTC). The IATTC boasts a strong advisory committee composed of members from the Oklahoma Manufacturers Alliance (OMA), a State Representative, leading manufacturers, and two aviation companies, one of whom is a prominent international airline. The IATTC employs faculty that has extensive industry experience, and holds their curriculum second to none. With aviation at the forefront of Oklahoma’s industrial revolution, the IATTC is poised to provide educational opportunities to those seeking employment and workers needing upskills.
OSUIT is ABET-accredited for the Bachelor of Technology (BT) degree in both Information Technologies and Instrumentation (electronics). The BT in IT has three tracks: cybersecurity & digital forensics, network infrastructure, and software development. Their Cyber Security program was ranked best in state, as well as No. 3 on’s 2021 list of Best Bachelor Degrees in Cyber Security (the only Oklahoma institution in the ranking). In 2020, placed their BT in Information Technologies - Cybersecurity & Digital Forensics program at No. 2 in the ranking for Best Online Cyber Security Bachelor's Degree Programs. Many of OSUIT’s graduates are hired into government positions requiring high security clearance. Students must earn their A.A.S. in electronics before they can pursue their Bachelor of Technology in Instrumentation, providing students with a solid foundation for successful computer engineers.
They are one of only three instrumentation programs in the United States that is ABET-accredited.
OSUIT’s Pro-Tech program prepares students to understand and apply automotive diagnostic and service procedures to a range of vehicles.
With an Associate in Applied Science and completion of the Pro-Tech program, graduates can start working as an automotive technician and will be eligible for certification by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE).
Analytically diagnose problems, perform proper service procedures and maintain high customer service standards. Through OSUIT's Pro-Tech program, students leave the campus ready to start their career as a technician at an independent automotive repair facility with opportunities to advance to master technician, shop foreman or service manager.
These programs are sponsored by automotive giants including:
Toyota, Ford, GM, Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Ram.
From Public Schools to Vocational programs at GCTC to Associate and Bachelor’s degrees at OSUIT, Okmulgee County educational institutions “know” manufacturing and understand the technical skills required. They all work together to fill the pipeline with an endless source of manufacturing process workforce.
Okmulgee Public Schools start their STEM education in primary school. By the time they are in grades 5-8, they continue that STEM emphasis in the CP Kelco STEM Lab at the Dunbar campus. In collaboration with the Manufacturing Council (local plant managers), high school students participate in the engineering lab for experimental learning. In addition, there are in-classroom presentations to the freshman class and Introduction to Manufacturing and plant tours presented by plant managers. Mock interviews help students begin the process of presenting themselves in a professional manner. In the summer, there are teacher internships at the plants. Bi-annual manufacturing career fairs help acquaint students and their parents with the opportunities in manufacturing.
Green Country Tech Center works with employers and students to customize training programs required and needed. From short courses in electrical, ladder, fall protection, scaffolding and more to industrial maintenance training in hydraulics, pneumatics, AC/DC electrical systems, electric relay controls, motor controls and much more, GCTC works with the local high schools and the adult population to prepare them (and your company) for success.
OSUIT’s Industrial and Aviation Technology Training Center (IATTC) works with companies and manufacturers that need skilled trained workers in high-tech production systems to increase the quality of products as well as overall profitability. (include any one sheet/etc) They also offer customized training classes as well as Associate and Bachelor degrees. Competencies include:
Operate and build drawings using AutoCAD and SolidWorks software.
Utilize Esprit software to program various types of lathes & mills.
Operate manual and CNC equipment (HAAS).
Utilize and provide measurements via a vast array of precision measurement devices, such as:
Depth, OD, and ID micrometers
Gauge block sets
Vernier calipers and micrometers
U blocks
CMM Controls
Optical Comparators
Rockwell-Brinnel hardness tester
Tensile tester
Multiple hand tools
Utilize design principles, techniques, and tools used in the production of precision plans and models.
Utilize ISO 9001 standards for quality techniques and GDNT
Identify the scope of a project, including: identifying & incorporating costs, identification of materials used, and production processes to be utilized.
Operate plastic injection molding equipment and production techniques.
Operate safely according to OSHA Standards & Regulations, and recognize the importance of abiding by regulations, policies, and procedures governing safety and environmental compliance.
The President's Report serves as the institution's annual report highlighting the past year and celebrating accomplishments achieved by the OSUIT campus, students, faculty and staff.
Visit President's Report | OSUIT or to read this report.