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Cost of Doing Business

You won’t find a state in the US that beats Oklahoma’s renowned business environment.    


#1    State Business Tax Burden Rankings - Lowest Tax Burden (Anderson Economic Group)

#5    States by Fiscal Condition (Mercatus Center)

#5    2017 Kaumann Index:  Startup Activity

#5    Best States to Start a Business (Wallethub)

#7    Best States for Business:  Business Costs (Forbes)

#7    Lowest Industrial Electricity Rates (Business Facilities Magazine)

#12  2018 America’s Top States for Doing Business (CNBC)

Local Taxes


Water and Sewer:  One of the world’s largest food additive plants, CP Kelco, chose Okmulgee because of the quality and quantity of water available. With the current infrastructure, Okmulgee has an excess available capacity of approximately 400,000 gallons per day. A new 1 million gallon water tower and an 18 inch line to supply the Okmulgee Business Complex and the north side of the city was put into service December 2020. Part of a local incentive package could include negotiable water and sewer rates for new industry.



Okmulgee Municipal Authority Commercial Rate Sheet

B Rate Sheet - Sheet 1 JPG

Natural Gas:  Oklahoma Natural Gas (ONG) provides service to a broad range of customers with natural gas requirements ranging from residential customers to major commercial customers.


Transportation tariffs include small commercial/industrial using 900 dekatherm (Dth) and facilities using in excess of 450,000 Dth per year.  Please note the customers using 30,000 Dth per year or more of gas are required to purchase gas from a third party. Costs to provide transport service are based on a customer's specific load requirements and service needs which must be reviewed on an individual basis in order to provide meaningful estimates.  The Okmulgee Business Complex is served by a natural gas transportation line at 720 psig inside the industrial park.  


Projects requiring the installation of new or later pipelines are revenue justified using Oklahoma's Natural line extension tariff. Businesses that are looking to expand, relocate or build in Okmulgee and require natural gas, please complete the Comprehensive Proposal form at  Oklahoma Natural Gas - Economic Development


Electricity: Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO) has been providing reliable, affordable power to Oklahoma customers for more than a century. Their team of 1600 Oklahomans is committed to continuing the tradition while also working to provide a bright future for the communities they serve.


PSO is an AEP (American Electric Power) Company, with a focus on building a smarter energy infrastructure and delivering new technologies and custom energy solutions.


On July 1, 2019, as part of it's long term plan to increase reliance on natural gas and renewable energy sources, PSO filed an application seeking regulatory approval to add 675 megawatts (MW) of Oklahoma wind-generated power to its energy mix. Peggy Simmons, PSO President and COO stated, "We're excited about this opportunity because it will save our customers money and boost the state's  economy with new investment and tax revenue credits.”   


The East Central Oklahoma Electric Cooperative (ECOEC) has been operational for more than 65 years.  The ECOEC is a nonprofit, consumer-owned electric distribution system.  The cooperative is financed by loans from the National Rural Utilities Service and Rural Utility Service.  The East Central Oklahoma Electric Co-Op maintains nearly 29,600 meters and approximately 5,800 miles of distribution lines.  It offers a variety of outdoor lighting choices to residential, commercial and industrial needs.  In addition, the cooperative provides electrical safety, security lights, surge protection, tree trimming and winter preparedness services. 


All electric suppliers have the right to bid and service any electric load of 1 MW or larger in any area.


Okmulgee Area Development Corp (OADC)
Located inside the McCulloch Building

114 N Grand Suite 221
Okmulgee, OK 74447

P: 918-938-0970

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© 2021 by Okmulgee Area Development Corporation

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